重点实验室3位青年专家在听取特邀专家Yong Chen教授、Yu-Lin Eda Chang博士、Susan Allen教授等所做主题报告后,以“Assessing relative importance of organic matter sources for consumers and trophic position shift in the mangrove of southern China”、“Diversity of marine planktonic ostracods in South China Sea: A DNA taxonomy approach”、“Long-term temporal and spatial variation of macrobenthos in a semi-enclosed bay under human disturbance”、“Seasonal variations of micro-copepod assemblages and impact of ichthyoplankon in South China Sea”为题作了分会场学术报告,就红树林食物网消费者有机碳源、浮游介形类遗传结构种类多样性与空间和环境的关系、大型底栖动物种多样性变化特征及其驱动因素以及浮游动物与仔稚鱼在生态系统中的关系及对气侯的响应等研究方面工作,与北太平洋地区海洋生态学专家进行充分交流。